Saturday, December 30, 2023


Everything that can go wrong today, actually did go wrong today. Luck wise I mean, i didn't catch a break today whole day.

In the morning I woke up late, so the kids already made a mess in front. Also they exhaust their phone batteries. N yes, Haris wet his bed, again. Had to clean that up first.

Then went to the workshop to check my car Aircon, I thought Wana bring the kids to lunch nearby while the car is being sorted, it started to rain thunderstorms. I was even judged by the kakak saying "selamat tak pergi tadi, kilat hujan lebat", cz I was just about to ask the kids to go there with an umbrella each. So we ended up waiting 3 hrs at the waiting room.

I thought I was lucky the fan thing for the Aircon was rm350, actually there is a leak in the water system and my condenser bengkok. So that would later cost me God knows how much.

Finally able to leave to go to the mamak. It was a 50:50 split on which route to take, I turned left and ofcourse, there was construction going on. That's just the pinnacle of unluckiness for the day. I was shouting at the kids n shouting at the road - it was really the last nail in the coffin.

At the mamak I didn't order anything for myself and just ate leftovers. Wanted to do the laundry while waiting, and ofcourse I can't catch any break, only 1 large machine was available. So now all my timings lari. So after I came back from pasar malam, only 1 load was ready - and both loads needs drying. 

I haven't prayed Asar that time so I had to leave half a load at the laundry and rush back home. Once home all I hear is ppl complaining about the house being messy or the kids arguing (n fighting, cz both of them wanted the Lego cars). I had trouble utk sidai the comforters etc cz there's not enough space, I couldn't clean the trash bin cz I didn't have time even though its definitely due, I had to rush eating what I bought for dinner, I had to do everything that I sempat do like kemas2, wash dishes etc, and alot of other small stuff

I finally manage to leave the house, then the cat suddenly ran out of the house. The stupid stupid cat the most stupidest cat ever. Had to drop everything and get him back in - which is not as easy as it sounds.

And all the while trying to keep my cool throughout this unlucky day, always on the top of my head is the unspoken rule, the notion, the fact, the rule even, that I can't cancel what I have planned tonight; heck even delaying tonight isn't acceptable.

Saturday, July 30, 2022


Last weekend at Lalaport Jannah brought a friend. Didnt recognize her at first, but Jannah introduced her as my favourite amongst her friends. So can only mean Siti! Lols. She looks kinda different from how I remember her actually.

Fun fact about Siti, when I was just Jannah's older brother from school, Siti had a list of cute guys which includes celebrities n what not, and somehow "abg jannah" was on that list hahaha.

Now, almost 20 years later, Siti is about to make my day again lol. When asked abt how old to yours truly look, she honestly says maybe 30 (6 years younger than how I actually am).

Haha vanity aside, its nice to finally get to see her after all these years. I did see her once when she was working in Secret Recipe some years ago but we never actually talked or what.

Nwy here's some photographic evidence. 

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Cik Reben Teal Hasnuri

Honestly I started to become closer to Nishan because I was angry at Nana. In a way, out of spite. Ofcourse I always liked her before,  but now that we're close I just genuinely love her ❤

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Nasi ayam throwback

Actually I posted this story last year on facebook. It came out in a memory a year later. To no surprise it was one of my favourite posts, though it didnt get much likes lol.

Hari ni nyoms oncall so aku oncall kat rumah with the 2 boys. Hari ni cita-cita tinggi bwk dorg pg pasar petang kat bandar baru. Letak Nafis dlm stroller, & Haris pakai kasut. Honestly, its not as easy as it sounds. Anyway sambil trying my best utk help Haris makan aiskrim goyang dia tgh pegang tu, aku nk pg bli nasi ayam nk suap budak2 ni nanti. Rupanya kedai makcik yg aku pernah rawat n admit cucu dia masa aku kat ED [tp sumpah aku tak ingat makcik ni]

Makcik: Oh doktor nak beli apa

Me: Nasi ayam satu je kot kak

Makcik was surprised to see Nafis in the stroller: Oh doktor dah ada anak, baru ingat nak buat menantu

My internal monologue: oh terharu saya makcik for like a second, then it went to the mess which was Haris n his aiskrim goyang

Me: Haha anak saya 2 dah makcik.
While trying to grab Haris and damage control the aiskrim goyang aftermath, while watch over Nafis and his apam and readying some money to pay. Proceeded with some small talk and I managed to get my nasi ayam and wheel away with my 2 kids.

#nasiayam #pasarpetang #hyperbola #dadslife #overshare #exaggeratedcat #fatherof2 #exEDmo #nannepucase

Now im home just finish feeding the kids, n terlintas di hati, alamak aku dah ter heartbreak hati anak gadis makcik tu la kan kiranya? Oh yeah i still got it hahahaha omg sedar diri sikit pls perut dah mcm Baymax anak dah 2

Sunday, December 2, 2018

3 Weddings

I went to 2 weddings on Saturday and another one on Sunday. Its that time of year I guess. I had so much things to say so I decided to post it in my blog that no one reads haha. Theyre quite random and quite opinionated. In no way I want to make the couple or their families feel bad or anything like that, its just some observations & pls buang yg keruh n ambil yg jernih.


* kenduri simple je, pengantin lelaki dtg takde kompang takde pa system, dh sampai dekat kanopi, pengantin perempuan dtg jumpa pastu masuk skali. Pelamin pun simple je.

* tp tu la pengantin lelaki terlalu selamba sampai boleh pegang hp masa dtg. Siap letak dlm poket atas lagi so nampak la. Masa photographer ambil gmbr, masuk skali hp tu. Mmg nk tunjuk hp kot aku tak tau la

* pengantin perempuan tiba2 hilang betul kan tudung katanya. Org nk bergambar dgn pengantin tunggu lama.

* pelamin dia simple sgt sampai aku ingat tu photobooth. Siap letak anak2 aku kt kerusi tu sorg satu haha omg malunya. Wife aku prasan ayah pengantin jeling2 je kt ktorg sory pakcik kami tak tahu. Pelamin tu simple tapi cantik. Aku mmg rasa photobooth tu terlalu cantik tp tak sangka la tu pelamin sbb kerusi dia jarak2 n angulated at a weird angle. Cz some weddings takde pelamin n ada meja makan yg cantik je.

* paling benci org yg nak jumpa or bergambar dgn pengantin tp potong queue. Ni slalunya org tua la, or org yg ada authority kononnya mcm yb, dato n ex cikgu. Dia tak peduli dh ada org tunggu sambil dukung baby ke apa

* mulanya aku nk buat statement mcm biarla org yg ada baby yg bergambar dulu sbb baby ni ticking time bomb taktau bila dia berubah mood n mengamuk nangis2. But then nnt semua org yg ada baby sesuka hati potong queue, so takpelah sila abaikan


*pengantin lelaki tu wedding planner so kau mungkin expect mcm grand gile kan, tp sbnrnya tak sgt. Tp dia mmg fokus on quality n variety of food la. Some parts of the dewan mmg mcm awesome tp some mcm underwhelming. Mcm kambing bakar ayam panggang mash potato pny station tu, lambak dlm tray mcm tu je takde deco takde apa. I guess bila kau outsource semua benda kau x boleh nk expect semua nya buat deco cantik2. Tapi makanan SEMUA sedap2 so who cares abt the deco

*org melayu mmg pantang tgk kambing, n tak sabar2. Tgh aku duk pegang senduk n ambil, pakcik tu punyalah tak sabar sampai dia sanggup ambil senduk mushroom soup utk ambil kambing. Pastu mushroom soup tu takde senduk. Penuh lg kot tray kambing tu masa aku tgh ambil, tak payah la nk tunjuk perangai buruk awak tu pakcik

*pengantin semua dpt Tunnel Vision hari kahwin tu. Yg dorg perasan hanyalah photographer, n hanya dgr suara arahan photgrapher. N bila para jemputan nk tgk pengantin or nak tunjuk muka, kalau dah depan mata pun dh tak nampak. Gone are the days raja n permaisuri sehari boleh melihat tetamu n rakyat jelata

*one thing I observe about wedding photographers, some of them think its THEIR WEDDING. Aku faham la pengantin nk abadikan memori perkahwinan, but to what expense and to what extent? Pengantin mmg focus n ikut semua perintah photographer. Photographer lah sbnrnya Raja Sehari tu, n event ikut susun atur photographer. Photographer mmg akan adaaaa je kat situ n org lain yg nak ambil gmbr pegantin mmg trpaksa ambil gmbr bontot photographer skali. N most photographer akan pakai shirt n jeans je pun n kdg tu kontra gila dgn tema wedding so dorg lagi stand out dari pasangan pegantin. Ok enough heat for wedding photographers, i knw theyre just doing their job, but I cant help to think that they steal the show and the newlyweds too!

*Most weddings are not wheelchair or stroller friendly. Ssh ktorg hari tu nk bwk nafis in his stroller, tp boleh lagi nak angkat, tp kalau wheelchair? Hmmm


* starting je dah cringe. Pengantin both dah ready kt depan dewan nak masuk, tp kereta2 org rombongan baru sampai n ofcourse,  PARKING TAKDE. Pengantin laki yg trpksa jd parking attendant suruh rombongan park kt belakang. Lain kali kena plan betul2 mcm reserve kan parking or at least minta org drop off

* I applaud the wedding sbb masa pengantin dtg ada org baca selawat, bagus sgt. Tapi yg baca tu a frail old man,  tercungap2 dia, aku risau n kesian pun ada. So makin hujung makin tak sedap n sangkut2, tp pakcik tu push himself jgk. Papepun good job pakcik. Maybe tu saudara terdekat n dia mmg NAK buat. But still, a recording would suffice. N if nk live pun, minta la budak2 or a younger person to do it

* Ok ni yg paling cringe sekali. The reason aku post psl ni. Lepas pengantin naik ke pelamin, rombongan lelaki nk duduk la kt meja makan rombongan. Tp TAKDE ORG GUIDE or usher dorg ke meja. Dorg trpksa figure out sendiri. Confusing sikit utk dorg sbb dorg ramai tp meja mcm ada 2 je. N ada satu meja tu nmpk mcm utk rombongan lelaki tp ada satu makcik ni dgn anak2 dia. Dari yg remaja sampai yg kecil2. Aku serius tak rasa dia part of the rombongan, sbb org rombongan tak tegur pun dia so aku tak faham kenapa dia duduk situ. [double cringe] Nwy,  sbb tak cukup tmpt duduk, yg remaja n budak2 semua makan kt tmpt biasa. But thts normal la, aku pun pernah ikut rombongan tp makan tmpt biasa. But the fact is takde org blah bride yg jd usher yh tolong tgkkan rombongan lelaki. At least lantik la seorang. Any uncle or saudara will do, so takdela rombongan lelaki terpinga2 blur dulu mencari tempat n then layan diri je. N boleh la nak elakkan random makcik n anak2 dia dari invade meja rombongan.  Makcik tu pun entiti pelik aku serius tak faham


Sorry for the long post basically abt me ranting abt weddings. I just had to put my frustrations somewhere. Especially the cringe ones. Alas, weddings are a happy event and I wish the couples selamat pengantin baru, moga bahagia ke anak cucu

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

I Have a Blog

Tiba2 syafiqah tny aku ada blog ke tak, sbb fb aku aktif sgt it seems.

Well, mmg ada pun lol. Tp bukan utk org baca sgt. More like my ranting that I cn look back and reminisence later.

Hopefully I"ll find some more time to post more stuff here

Monday, February 12, 2018

Haris and Me

Kena panggil ke bilik boss td. Kena tegur kenapa lambat 3 kali bulan ni. Dah kad hijau (kalau lepas ni kuning n merah kne jumpa pengarah). Boss tny knp lambat. Well, kdg2 salah budget masa pagi2 bila kne siapkan haris, kdg2 dah budget ok tp sampai rmh pengasuh haris menangis so aku pujuk dulu. Tp yg paling ssh is aku penat pagi2, especially kalau aku shift AM. Sleep cycle Haris skrg dah lain, kul 2 or 3am baru nak tido bauangkan. Sbb aku slalu ambil dia pukul 10 lebih 11pm bila aku shift PM, n dia mmg berjaga masa tu. Sbb skrg dia tido ptg kul 5pm sampai pukul 9pm. Dulu dia tido kul 11am sampai 3pm je, skrg dah lain. Nk tunggu ayah dia jemput agaknya.

Boss faham mmg agak sukar skrg. Ayat boss, "husband / father / doctor , not easy"  but I have to make it work. Sory lambat boss, saya akan cuba adapt lagi. Boss kata dia akan expect mcm ni lagi 5 months or so selagi naziera x sampai lipis.  Might be true. But i'll try my best.

Gmbr hiasan ni masa dia tido ptg tu. Kul 5pm cmtu mmg haris akan shut down tak kisah la cmne pun. Dia prepare utk mlm tu kul 2 tak tido lagi lol.

Haris sabar k. Mak habis HOship kita jadi fmly yg lengkap semula. Skrg Haris bestfriend ayah. N ayah bestfriend Haris.

#sadlipislife #edMOnowadays #lifeinlipis #dadslife #fatherof2 #pjj