Friday, December 31, 2010
Sunday, December 26, 2010
BSNL: Bull Shit No Line
The first time I got here I was excited to get my connection cause it’s the one thing that relates me home. Being far and all, kinda makes it essential. At that time there were 2 choices. Either I take the campus’s ION, or a private company, BSNL. After much consideration, I took BSNL, cause my ION signal strength wasn’t strong. After a few days of going back and forth to BSNL and paying quite a large sum of money I finally get my connection.
The first time I tried, I couldn’t get my laptop to detect the modem’s signal. I tried so many times, to no avail. As a desperate attempt, I tried to use the LAN cable given together with the modem. By sheer luck, it worked & I got my connection. This is actually wasting money because I could have went with the normal modem & not the wireless one. But I was contented enough & just stuck with the cable.
I heard a few bad comments on facebook on how bad BSNL is. My batchmates had statuses all about the same thing. Something I remember was BSNL=Bull Shit No Line. I didn’t thought much of it cause I did get connected after all. Not exactly what I payed for, but I guess that’s just how things work in India.
Things were okay at first, there were times when there was no connection, but I guess that’s just how it is in India, and it was never for too long. Even after I came back here after the 1 month break, it was still quite okay. But then, after a few weeks, the problems began to escalate. My laptop was disconnected more than it was connected. For it to get connected, I had to restart the laptop a couple of times. And each time, it was a gamble. Sometimes I would finally get connected, sometimes never. This persisted for a few months, but I was patient. I didn’t need the internet that badly anyways.
Still, we all have our limits. Mine was last month. For the whole of October, and November, I didn’t have connection. At one point of time I wanted to stop the service, because I know I’ll be paying for nothing if I didn’t stop. But I was too busy. Still, my need for internet was filled because I would stop at Jon’s room to use his net. It’s a good thing that he’s such a good guy. I guess it was partly my fault for never complaining to BSNL, but hey, I’m a medical student, I don’t have time. Seriously.
In the end, I finally found some time to go to BSNL. I brought the whole thing, planning to stop the service. But when I got there, I thought of giving BSNL a second chance. I told the guy at technical service that I don’t have connection for the last 1 month, and I heard him say. ‘That’s your problem.’ I mean dude, know that I still have to pay, I didn’t say anything about not paying. I’m not that stupid and eventhough I’m not a scholar, I’m not that poor. But since he mentioned it under his voice, I chose to ignore it. He then asked me to bring my laptop which I didn’t at that particular time, so I went back the next day with the laptop too. Good thing it was a different guy. Much more helpful. So I thought. He said ‘Any problem, you call this number’. I went back home & set everything up. Nope. No line. I called, he said to wait a few minutes. Huh? My grandmother could give better advice. And obviously it didn’t work.
I couldn’t find another time to go to BSNL until after I received the bill for the month I didn’t have connection. It was kinda stupid, and I did the exact same thing I swore to myself I won’t do. I swore never to have to pay for connection that I never use. Cause my mum did the same thing, just so that we don’t buang mase main internet. Sigh.. It’s true what they say. The more you try not to be like your parents, the more you become them. Neway, I went to BSNL for the last time, wanting to ask how to stop the connection. The lady said it’s possible, I just have to fill the form. I wanted to, but dunno why i just told her I cant connect to the net & she obviously directed me to technical support.
I was at the place again, but a different person was there. I told him my problem as usual, but this time i simply said no connection for 1 week because he couldn’t care less how long it was. He asked me for my number and said he’ll call and check it out the next day. I was skeptical, but still kinda hopeful. He said he’ll come at 4pm, so after dissection, I straight away came home, and not spending any relax time outside. I waited and waited and he never came. But it was expected.
I was about to give up when suddenly I got internet the next morning. Wow. I was on the net for a few hours before I went to the library to study. The guy called when I was at the library, but since I got back my connection, I don’t see any reason to trouble him to come to my hostel, so I told him ‘Internet working boss, it’s okay, thank very much’. Oh how I regret those words. Because when I came back, no more line. Sigh.. It was worse than not having connection, having it and losing it again. And passing a chance of having the technician come and check out my landline.
By this time, I’m already sick of BSNL and decided just to live on Jon’s internet while still paying for mine. I know that sounds way stupid. But I do get connection once every few days or so. Guess it’s like I’m paying for a very expensive and unreliable internet connection. Truly, BSNL = Bull Shit No Line.
Friday, December 24, 2010
Ron & Hermoine
maksu shahidah & me
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Things to Bring When you Travel
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Hari Raya Aidiladha is about Sacrifice
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Does love really hurts?
They say..
The hardest part of loving someone
is knowing when to let go,
and knowing when to say goodbye.
A failed relationship may have brought you a lot of pain
but at the end of the day,
you learn from them
and come out from them wiser
and with a clearer picture of
what you want or don’t want in your next relationship.
And the pain doesn’t last, everyone gets over it.
At the end of the day you won’t miss him
but you will miss who you thought he was.
Love someone worth of your love..
True love will never fade unless it was a lie.
Friday, November 19, 2010
Lagenda Budak Tua
I thought today was any other day. I go to class, I come back, I rest, I study & then I sleep. Turn out today was the day. Some part of me knew that today was bound to happen. It took longer than I expected so my optimism got the best of me. Actually, I'm sure stuff like this happens countless times before, just that I never found out. So it wasn't that bad. I thought I was prepared for it, guess I'm just full of myself.
Friday, September 17, 2010
Table 8
Table 8 is a table consisting of the top 15 students with the highest anatomy marks for both 1st & 2nd blocks. Im in 3rd block now.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
menyekutukan Allah dengan sesuatu pada zat, sifat dan af'alnya
tidak percaya kepada Allah serta mengingkari ajaran yang disampaikan oleh Nabi Muhammad S.A.W
berpaling atau keluar daripada agama islam
kepercayaan dan perbuatan karut yang dianggap mempunyai hubungan dengan agama islam sedangkan pada hakikatnya bertentangan dengan konsep tauhid dan syariat
Ilmu yang berkaitan perbuatan secara halus melalui pertolongan makhluk ghaib, iaitu dengan bantuan syaitan atau jin bertujuan memudharatkan atau mengelirukan manusia
Berpura-pura melahirkan keimanan sedangkan hati tetap kufur kepada Allah
Kalau kita tak buat sesuatu yang salah sebab takut kepada benda lain yang bukan Allah s.w.t. adakah itu membatalkan iman? Janganlah anda fikir sendiri.. Tanyalah ustaz. Aku pun akan tanya nanti.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Tadi ade org ketuk pintu bilik aku. Aku buka je tgk2 tempe yg jage counter AS kat bwh tu. Die bg aku slip mintak byr utilities. 8355rupees. Rm835 la sng citer. Sigh.. Aku takde duit nak bayar, & aku malu nak mintak duit kat parents aku. Dorg baru je bg rm800 utk tiket flight & hp baru aku. Aku sedeh sgt. Not just sbb ni, ade byk lgi sbb..
dyorg lect the best ever i had.
semangat dlm belajar. cinta. complete set lah. haha
snggup bg notes dy kat aku. terharu.
mr J sbb mase purse aku hilang time tu de lab test dy.
sumpah aku xley jawab. byg la aku ngah risau. kepala blank pk duit. ic. lesen. kad bank.
sume la. then, dy snggup nk pinjamkan fon tok kol mymum. mmg xla aku nk gtau. hehehe.
i refused. sume classmates terberhenti dgn pe yg jd kat aku. muke pucat kot.
sir adam n mr j kate muke aku cm avatar time tu. biru. hahaha
but he told sir adam pasal tuh. utk tlg aku g balai polis.
sumpah sir adam giler2. mr j lak malu2. miss that time!!!!
but now sir adam kt india smbung study. mr j pon same. tp kt australia.
neweei, thnnxxx sir sbb ajar fafa subjek immune n hema.
My Life
Friday, September 10, 2010
So what?
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Its A Love Story
Aku da trlupe pasal citer ni for a few years nw, ttb hr tu teringat blk, tatau knp. Cite lame ni, time aku kecil2, maybe stndrd 6 tak pon form 1 camtu, serious tak ingat.
Aku dulu skola laki dari std 1 smpi fm5, & aku x naik bas, x pg tuition & x brkwn ngn bdk kg. So aku mmg takde kwn pmpn time kecil2. But, my mum slalu bwk ktorg pg library. Kat Ipoh ade library ktorg pnggl Lib Tambun, rsenye mmg tu kot nme die (evnthough cam jauh sket dari tambun, haha). Nwy, aku ngn adik aku yg name Nuh tu adelaa ade kat lib ni. Ttb die dtg bwk kertas pastu die ckp,
"Abg adam, ni budak perempuan kat luar tu bagi"
dulu2, kat luar lib ade stall kecil, dorg jual2 mknn ringan etc.
at 1st I din believe, i mean what does a girl want wth me kn, so i told "Mu jgn maen2"
"Takla, betul", & he hands me a piece of paper. On the ppr theres a house number (zmn tu mnde henset sgt lg, summo we were so young), & a girl's name. The sad part is, I seriously cant remember the girls name. Im willing to do anything to remember, mmg tak ingat. But Im kinda sure it starts with S. Shahida? Suhana? Ntahla. Sigh..
Aku pun ambil kertas tu, & Nuh told, "Budak perempuan kat luar tu yg bagi".
I was quite excited & alot flattered. I mean, its A GIRL! Aku mane la knal kaum hawa ni. Damn sad right. Time nak balik tu, aku usha2 la kat kaunter tu, ade budak perempuan. Free hair. But ade 2 org so I duno which 1, lgpun aku x brenti jln, so x clear sgt. Da balik rumah, mlm tu aku try call die. My heart was pumping so fast that it was kinda hurting, haha.
Then someone picked up;
me: "Asalamualaikum"
she: "Walaikumusalam"
me: "S ade?" (we just call her S since I cant recall her name)
she: "ye saye"
me: "err, saya budak yg awk bagi nombor tadi "
she: "oo, adam eyh." (guess Nuh told something before he took the number from her, some heads up would have been nice huh)
me: "a'aa"
& pastu ktorg borak2 kjap, tak ingat pasal ape, tp aku ingat 1 bende. Line die teruk GILER! I struggled to hear what she was saying. Pas 5 min camtu, we put down the phone. Seronok la obviously, but I felt kinda akward then, haha.
Eventhough I was young, aku taw jgkla spy tak nmpk desperate sgt, so esknye aku tak call, I called the next day. Tapi line tak clear jgk, so ckp kjap je. That weekend ktorg pg library lg, I jenguk2 la kat stall kat dpn tu, tp ade org dewasa je, die takde. Sedih. Aku call la after few days, tp still same, line tak clear. Then the saddest part. I LOST her number. Ade jgk try ingt2 balik a few months later, tp dpt wrong number je. But.. aku takdela sedeh sgt, cz ade number pon tak gune, cz x dengar pon die ckp ape.
Tetapi. Knowing that this person existed, made me very happy. This may sound so lame, but.. Setiap kali lepas solat mase tu, aku akn minta doa & 'wish so that S leads a happy life, eventhough she tak kenal me'. Thats y this is my 1st love story. Its somewhat imcomplete, but it made a great impact in my life.
I came a long way since then. Experienced love, lost it, & found it once again. Iv forgetten abt this for I think 3 years plus, but Im glad I still remember pieces of the story.
S. Wherever you are.. Thank you. In my heart, there will always be a place for you.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
1. sbb aku berhenti belaja sejak june last year, pastu keje since november til march, so aku da lame tak blaja. bila da kerja, momentum utk study tu da lari, so ssh nk dpt balik.
2. aku cam da tua, so otak da agak slow nk dibandingkan dgn budak2 kat sni. RAM kurang.
3. have to admit, aku tak serajin a few of the students over here. dorg cam agak terlampau rajin. sbnrnye stdnt medicine mmg kne camtu kn klu nk distinction? hope aku sedar sikit utk block 2 ni.
4. like everybodyelse, medicine cam ssh, its not like b4, so takleh la nak score cam dulu. lgpn kat sni laen ckit approach die. I hate PBL & SDL!!! Its a sneaky way of the faculty to jam a big chapter into our heads without teaching it. Quite michigan state.
5. last but not least, i need someone with me. to guide me, to motivate me, to be with me. I didnt have that person b4. now I do. naziera kuzaimah ~ sumber inspirasiku.
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Hey Someone~
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Sebuah Kisah Sedih (part II)
Lepas 2 tahun, ade tunjuk 1 tempe ni tgh bwk moto stop kat lampu merah, then camera zoom kat pompuan kat blkng moto tu. Nesha! Huhu. Then camera zoom bwh sikit, ade baby!! Anak sape? Bukan anak nadesha rasenye, maybe this new guy ni suami baru nesha? Rasenyela, so ni anak die? Huhu. Aku namakn suami baru die ni Salman. Then ade 1 tempe yg nampak serabai gila & mmg gila lalu kat tepi jalan. Rambut, misai die panjang tak terurus, pakai koyak rabak etc. Classic hobo. Die tgh ckap, 'ayoyoyong, ayoyoyong'. Nwy, nesha pon tgk la tempe gile ni dgn teliti. Then die nampak ade tatoo kat dada kanan hobo tu. Its nadesha!! OMG!! Pas 2 thn, nadesha da jadi org gila yg tak keruan! Nesha cam da nak pengsan atas moto, tp moto da jln, slmt die tak jatuhkan anak die, huhu.
Malam tu, nesha cam tak tahan lagi & pegi cari hobo tu (nadesha), die jerit2 cari hobo tu kat jalan mlm2. Pas bbp minit die jmpe. Die trus melutut & menangis kat situ. Die jerit nadesha, nadesha!! Nadesha da tak kenal die, die just sebut 'ayoyoyong, ayoyoyong' & tepuk2 kepala die sendiri. Tgh2 nesha tgh nangis2 ni, ttb dtg salman, bwk anak die skali. Terus lagi menangis nesha, die jerit2 nadesha2 kat suami die.
Salman tgk kat nesha, die passing kan anak die kat nesha, pastu pg kat nadesha. Mule2 aku tatau die nk buat ape, nk belasah ke ape. Then die just ambil nadesha, nesha & anak die pg tempat laen, ke rmh la kot. My God, baik gile salman ni.
& then tibe2 kuar credits!!!! I was like, what? U cant be serious. Tp mmg, die habes camtu je. Huhu. Sedeh gile kot citer ni. Tp 1 thingla, salman mmg baik gile.
Now the rational behind the names chosen:
1. nadesha : sbb last2 nesha akan jerit nadesha2, so aku conclude tula name hero.
2. nesha : sbb hero nadesha, aku bg je heroin nesha spy rhyme sikit.
3. ganesh : sbb part kat dpn shrine tu, die ade kte ganesh, so maybe name die kot.
4. kalimuthu : nama ni nama penjahat time aku darjah 3. sesuai dgn watak ni aku rse.
5. appa : rasenye bapak nesha, sbb die panggil appa, klu bkn, name die appa kot.
6. salman : dlm cte kuch2hotahai, salman khan sanggup lepaskn kajol ke shahrukh khan, aku rse die baik gile, & sesuai dgn watak ni.
PS: Rupenye name cite ni Khadav, meaning love. (thnx thevin & shangeetha)
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Sebuah Kisah Sedih (part I)
Aku tak faham sgt citenye, cz takde subtitle. Tp aku cuba yg terbaik utk interprete & cerita dgn teliti, so bear with me.
Mule2 ade hero ni la, aku namakan die nadesha, & heroin die nesha. So nadesha n nesha tgh dlm bas rapidIndia, dorg tgh sedeh sgt, aku tatau pasal ape. Nangis2 je dorg dlm bas. Nadesha ade lap2 air mata nesha. Pastu dorg da sampai mne ntah dorg pun turun n sambung nangis2 lagi. Nesha pun teringat time die kat rumah die, ade fmly die sume. Agak senangla family die. Aku rase skrg nadesha & nesha takde duit kot. Pastu dorg pg tgk wyg. Citer tamil gak la. Agaknye die gune duit2 terakhir die utk tgk wyg. Dlm wyg tu dorg mkn capati?? Seriously looked like capati. Ala2 popcorn, dorg mkn popcapati. Haha. Dorg stay lame dlm wyg tu smpi kne halau ngn makcik yg nk cuci wyg tu.
Esk paginye, nadesha & nesha tgh duduk2 la kat tepi jalan rsenye. Pastu kwn kpd hero ni dtg naik auto (agak excited aku ble nmpk auto kat tv sbnrnye, haha). Aku namakan kwn hero ni ganesh. Ganesh pun turun ar auto, n buka wallet die nk byr, cam byk je duit dlm wallet die. Pastu die pg jmpe nadesha & nesha. Die ckp2 skit ngn dorg & suruh dorg naik auto. Tapi nadesha cam pelik, asal ganesh ade byk duit & tnye2 mne die dpt duit. Mule2 ganesh tamau jwb, tp in the end, die jwb jgk. Agaknye die jual sumthng yg penting cz pastu je nadesha cam terharu gile ngn die, sampai ternangis2 nesha pun same.
Pada waktu yg same, ade lelaki jahat bertangan 1 & konco2 nye ni tgh cari couple hero tu. Die pg tny stp 1 tmpt yg dorg pnah pergi. Dorg siap ade tngkp 1 budak tu utk tunjuk jln. Dorg cari sampai jumpe rmh yg dulu couple tu pnah duduk. Pastu dorg sampai kat bilik nadesha, lelaki jahat bertangan 1, aku namakan je kalimuthu, jumpe gambar nadesha & ganesh time mude2. Kat blkng gmbr ade tulis ape ntah, maybe dorg adik bradik?? Tp muka dorg laen je.
Balik kpd nadesha, nesha & ganesh. Cz ganesh da ade duit, die blanje dorg extreme makeover. Dorg pg beli baju baru, (ganesh minta murah baju utk nesha, tp tauke kedai kain tu marah2), pegi salon etc. Pas da siap2 sume, nesha & nadesha pun jumpe la. Kuar la bunyi romantik kat blkng time nadesha nmpk nesha yg da lawa2. Dorg ber3 pon kuar la jln. Tatau ape hala tuju dorg.
Pastu lalu this small shrine, Lord Ganesha pny aku rase. Pastu ganesh suruh dorg kawen. Bleh eyh kawen camtu je. Mule2 dorg just tgk muke sendiri, tapi ganesh pergi letak 'pottu' merah kat dahi nadesha. Nadesha pun pakaikan kat nesha rantai kaler coklat ni. Die ikatkan kat blkng nesha. Lepas habes music romantic, dorg 22 tunduk ambil restu dari kaki ganesh. Cz die da byk gile tlng dorg kn. Mule2 ganesh cam malu2, tp last2 die pegang jgk kepala dorg. Pastu die peluk nadesha & nesha.
Time dorg tgh kawen ni, ramai gakla org yg nmpk. Pastu dorg sebut "wedding is going on", pastu ade sorg mamat kayuh basikal bwk brng2 ni nmpk dorg kawen. Pastu die dtg ckp ngn ganesh. mane bleh kawen simple2 ini macam, kawen kne grand. Aku rase la. Pastu tempe basikal call kawan die, kwn die tgh mandi ramai2 time tu. Lepas kwn die letak telefon, die shout ke 1 bangunan ade wedding. Pastu mmg best, sume org dtg prepare 4 the wedding. Dorg kumpul duit byk2, pastu siap2 wedding tu. Ade yg bwk decoration, ade yg buatkan kerusi etc.
Pastu cm besela ade menari2 yg stereotype, haha. Ganesh jadi hero mule2, die ade la buat aksi lucu dgn pakcik tua ni, pastu nadesha & nesha pun ketawa2. Lepas lame sikit baru nadesha plak menari, standard ar, hero kan. Pastu ttb nesha nyanyi lagu sedeh, agknye die terharu la dgn dorg2 ni. Pastu 1 tempe yg tak penting ni ckp, 'its a wedding, tempe tempe tempe', agaknye die kate, ni wedding kan, supposed to be happy. So wedding pon continue.
Lepas dorg kawen, da tunjuk a few days after that kot, nesha tgh masak & die tgk2 rantai coklat die tu. Nadesha keje baiki moto, okla, at last die ade keje, haha. Ganesh plak jual ape ntah kat tepi jalan. Time die tgh jual, ttb dtg kalimuthu! (Kalimuthu jumpe jgk dorg akhirnye, adoi). Pastu die cam buat ayat sedih kat ganesh, lame gakla, pastu ganesh da sedeh, die kate cukup & bwk kalimuthu pg rmh yg ade nesha. OMG! Ape da jadi ni??
Da sampai rmh tu, nesha nmpk je kalimuthu die trus peluk die nangis2. WTH?? Bukan kalimuthu jahat ke? Kompius aku tak faham. Pas die ckp2 dgn nesha, nadesha pun da balik dari bengkel, die nmpk la konco2 kalimuthu kat luar, pastu kalimuthu & nesha kuar. Nesha gtaw ape ntah kat nadesha & die setuju utk ikut kalimuthu. Aku da tak sedap hati dah, ai..
Dalam kete, konco kalimuthu yg drive & die duk sblh, dorg duk blkng. Then die dpt call dari sape ntah, ckp2 skit, mase tu nadesha da pegang tgn nesha da. Huhu, I have a bad feeling abt this. Then kalimuthu ckap2. Makin ckp, makin ketat nadesha pgng tgn nesha, n then kalimuthu bgn, tgk seat blkng pastu jerit2. Die tepuk2 tgn die yg kudung tu. Adakah nadesha yg buatkan tgn die trputus?? Ntahla. Kalimuthu mula blasah nadesha dlm kete, (so betul la kalimuthu ni jahat) terumbang-ambing gak ar kete tu. Tp kat India sume kete pun camtu.
Then da sampai kampung dorg. Aku rase kg nesha skali. Turun dari kereta je, byk gile konco2 kalimuthu tunggu kat luar. Mula2 aku ingt kalimuthu la big boss, ttb dtg plak tempe berambut hitler, aku namakan die Appa. Appa ni da tua dah, & gaya die mcm ketua kg. Nwy, appa ni marah2 nadesha cam gile, & then die ternampak rantai coklat nesha. Pastu die mula ar blasah nadesha, pakai kayu skali. Time yg same, nesha kne pukul ramai2 dgn tempe2 pompuan kat kg tu. Mmg agak kejam ar. Ade 1 makcik ni yg tlng defend die, tp tak gne jgk, ramai sgt. Ade jgk makcik ke mak nesha cz die pnggl amma-amma, die jerit2 kat nesha, & cam jerit2 kat crowd suruh blasah die lg.
Aku mati2 ingat time ni la hero tamil tu akan bangkit & skaligus blasah sume org kg & selamatkan nesha. Bolehla aku tgk aksi2 tumbuk & tendang yg tak kena badan. Bajet cam gune aura la cam DragonBall. Tapi malangnye tidak. Nadesha trus dibelasah dgn kayu, ditendang, disepak, dikneelock etc. Nesha sambil kne pukul jerit2 name nadesha, die da tak kne sgt da dgn pompuan kg tu. Nesha jerit2 la mintak dorg brenti blasah nadesha. Appa dgr, & biar nadesha kne blasah ngn konco2 die kjap & pg jmp nesha. Nesha cam ckp pls stop, i'll do anythng, rsenyela. Pastu appa ckp, kau putuskan rantai kau tu, aku lepaskan nadesha. Nadesha trdgr & ckp jgn2 kat nesha, nesha pun mule2 tamau buka.. Tp appa da ambil batu besar nk hempap kat kepala nadesha yg da ade atas tanah time tu. Nesha pun trpaksa putuskan rantai tu & campak atas tanah.
Nadesha yg ade atas tanah tu jerit2 & tutup muka, nesha plak nangis2 & tepuk2 muka die. Ade music sedeh, & ntah dari mane ade angin tiup2 tanah bile nadesha nk kutip rantai tu. Appa & org2 kg pon biarkan nadesha kat situ & bwk nesha balik. Dorg mandikan nesha, nesha cam kaku je, agknye die tgh state of shock kot. nadehsa plak jalan kuar dari kampung tu tp die jerit2 waah waah cam org gile.
Ikuti sambungan di part II..
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Insipred by..
Akhirnya da habes block 1. Alot of important events happened, but none of them are as important as the friends that have happened. I'll alphabetically rather than in order of apperance..
1. Caroline aka Karolin
Origin: Kajang
Insertion: Roll no 517
Nerve Supply: Dixie nerve
Action (favourite quotes) : 1) confused child 2) yeah right
Important points: Aku syg gile kat caroline ni. Die best sgt! die fun, byk story & so many things in common with me. we always think the same thing, its like we have a psychic connection. & time ktorg blaja, ktorg buat silly ways to remember & die mmg tak penah kesah. Die sweet, caring, fun & sgt2 adorable! Im so comfortable around carol cz I can be myself & she accepts me for who I am. & we high 5 all the time. she doesnt know it, but i LOVE our HIGH 5s!
2. Ezmir Rizwan aka Sexxxaaayyy!
Origin: Subang
Insertion: Roll No 627
Nerve Supply: Thenar nerve
Action (favourite quotes) : 1) What the fuck? 2) I KNOWh!
Important points: Ezmir is quite a character. Die menonjol gile dlm class tapi slalu tido & kne ngn lecturer dlm class. Ai.. & slalu lmbt dtg class jgk. Geng aku. Haha. But dont be surprised, eventhough he seems to be kinda rude, but he's actually alot nicer than all the other guys. He's helpful, attentive, selfless, funny and fun. There's one thing that I envy him. He's fucking smart. He sleeps in class, but with the bits of studying he does later on, he scores like mad. Bestnye jadi mix.
3. Hannah Pee aka Peepee-Pikachuuuu!
Origin: Subang
Insertion: Roll no 516
Nerve Supply: Gary nerve
Action (Favourite Quotes) : 1) dinner? 2) hey yooooouuuuuu!!!
Important points: Aku syg sgt kat hannah ni! She's like my sun. whenever im alone or sad, usually without her knowing, her simple texts would cheer me up. Hannah is so special, cz eventhough she's like 1 of the guys, she would still glow with her feminine beauty. Hannah is independent, caring, fun & great to have around. Everyone wants abit of Hannah. There's 1 funny thing abt hannah that I cant get it out of my mind.. The Batman joke. Haha. "aint so tough are ya now ey batman!"
4) Naziera aka Ayong
Origin: Bentong
Insertion; Roll No 572
Nerve Supply: Median nerve & Ulnar nerve (hybrid innervation)
Action (favourite quotes): 1)~ 2)
Important points:
She's my wind, my sweetheart, my sayang. Can safely say she's one of a kind. & I sayang her more than she thinks. She's the only JPA scholar that I accept & approve (not to mention syg, LOL). She's my study buddy like carol, but our study approach is kinda different. She's alot smarter than me (evnthough im older, she's a JPA scholar, so definitely she's smarter), so she teaches me alot. She's my personal prosector. There's alot more to say about her, "but we will study about that in the next blog"
5) Ozri Jon Fritzerol aka Jon
Origin: Subang
Insertion: Roll No 507
Nerve Supply: Guitar nerve
Action (favourite quotes) : 1) Whats up bitch?? 2) Ahahahahaha (jon style)
Important points: Jon is the first ever friend I met here. Im lucky enough to have seated next to him on the plane. On the plane itself I found out that he's a nice guy. Die bagi fererro rocher die to me, (LOL, damn im a sucker for gifts). Jon is loyal to his friends, fun & great to have around, so he's very much likable & quite adorable too (geli aku taip ni, tp mmg btul pon). He gets into trouble but he's really doesnt deserve it, he's a really NICE GUY. I envy Jon cz he knows what to say at the right time, & that makes him damn witty & hillarious. To top evrything, Jon's winning virtue is that he is very generous and very modest.
6) Premjeet S Dhillon aka Naked man
Origin: Singapore
Insertion: Roll No 514
Nerve Supply: Anterior Interosseous Nerve (AI nerve)
Action (favourite quote): 1) fuck man i think i screwed up 2) hey dude, guess what
Important points: Prem is damn COOL. Die masuk NS Singapore dulu, so badan die mantap ar. & can say he's an all rounder; he's good in atheletics and in studies. Tapi kejayaan tidak dtg bergolek, he's very hardworking & he knows his priorities. Tp prem ni tenggelam timbul, but he's always part of the gang. He can just mix around anywhere, 'I can practically live anywhere cz I can just mix and make friends with anyone', quoted. Aku pnah nmpk die time orientation kat melaka dulu, aku ingt die ni sombong kot, sah2 takkan kwn ngn aku. tgk2 die la 1 of the 1st frens yg aku dpt kat sni.
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Finally Im Back
1) Damn. Some people really have it easy. Getting RM1500 per month! And over here, thats WAAAYYYY more than enough. They can get whatever they want, and they dont even have to pay it back! Like the old saying, 'life's unfair'. But when you think back, I never had my chance. So I better just shut up and watch. I'll change the jealousy and guilt into motivation and drive. Just watch me.
2) MSU haunts me still. OMG. Eventhough Im over here. Wow. MSU truly transcends ocean and land. Memang the university of choice. Aku baru ingat aku da terlepas dari tempat tu, then lecturer microb tu msg aku kat FB marah2 aku, aduh.. Selamat ade Quod Erat Demonstratum ~ Mr J. Die yang tolong settle kan problem. LOL. Wait. Do you think thats the end of it? Hell NO. The worst thing is yet to come.
3) Merge 1 and 2. And what do you get? You get DAMN RICH STUDENTS who came FROM the SAME MSU. HAHAHA! How SCREWED UP is that? Just their presence here is taunting me. The best thing is, they now how fantastic MSU is! Out of all the places they could go to do their A levels, JPA sent them there, and now theyre here. Whatever it is, I have one of my worst nightmare come to life. Damn, that was why I didnt go to Ramayah, and in the end the same thing happens to me here.
Fate is a funny thing.
Monday, March 8, 2010
My 5
1. cantik
2. setia
3. fun
4. beriman
5. free hair + contact lens
Subject to change*
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
"sir dah lengai dengan musibah"
- Aku bgn lmbt hari ni, 8.20am aku bgn. Labtest kul 9am. Tak sempat nk shave. Haha.
- Aku tgh siap2 pakai baju, cari tie, takde. Baru teringat aku tertinggal kat giant. Huhu.
- Aku keluar dari rumah, pegang2 poket, wallet tertinggal dlm jeans. Haha.
- Dlm lif, msg masuk. Dept Dean bg warning kat aku suruh siapkan semua keje. Haha.
Benda kecil2 je. Dulu, adela jgk affect diri aku ni. Tp lepas dah kena mcm2 musibah, aku rase makin tabah. Rasenyelah. So bile text masuk, "Sir tgh watpe?" Aku gtaw la ape jadi. Tp at the end of the my reply, "tp takpe, sir da lengai dgn musibah"
Yay me!
Monday, March 1, 2010
I Am King
I did not change. I was still the same old adam. I cared, I joked, I asked, I was being me. Some of them didnt really accept me, but most of them did. Guess I have to be thankful, which I am. Anyway, its only normal for a teachers to have favourites in their class. Its not really fair, but humans are imperfect and bias is one of the flaws. So I too, have my favorite stdnt. Well, at least its not one of the seven sins. LOL.
Some lecturers favor students who are smart, some favor those who are good looking, some favor those who are hardworking. I however, favor this particular student cz we have chemistry. I cant reallt explain it, but I know its there. She's fun, funny n silly most of the time. My gadis kelantan yg bengong. =)
So I gave her a little bit more attention then the rest of the class. Hm.. Actually quite alot of attention. But never in class, dont worry. Only after office hours. She lives on the same floor as i do, so we would go for dinner sometimes. Nothing fancy. But it was fun. We would chat, flirt and kid around.
Our relationship was purely for fun. No attachments. We both know where we stand.
BUT. Me being me. I fall for people easy. Sigh.. doesnt mean that I want them and I would do whatever it takes to have them. I just.. sayang them more than i should. When her birthday came, I gave her a box of chocolates. I could have gotten her a notebook or a pen, but I got her that. That was when I knew, the symptoms are kicking in. But I know long distance relationships dont work out, and i dont want to ruin what we have now, so I kept our pace. Kalau ade jodoh tak ke mane.
Just when I thought I had things under control, she texted, "sir ade kat rumah? nak bagi mende". I was out having dinner with some frens at that time so I told her I'll text "sir kat luar ni, nanti sir da blk sir gtaw". After I reached home, I traded my baggy green T with a black T n walked over to her apartment (which was 30 steps from my own).
"Waalaikumussalam. Kejap2!"
She opened the door and handed out to me a jusco bag. "Nah, ambil ni"
(she mmg like that, quite straight foward. LOL)
"Eh ape ni?" I opened the bag and took out the the gift. "Wah terima kasih" it was wrapped and tied with a gigantic ribbon. "Ape ni?"
"Adela, something special". Laughing her cute laugh.
"Eyh?" I felt liquid inside the gift. "Perfume eyh.." (I din say toilette cz I dnt wnt tht to be an issue)
"Entah, nanti buka la sendiri"
"Haha, ok." we talked for a while and then I had to go.
I reached home and the first thing i did was snap some photos. Buat kenangan. And then I opened the gift. At 1st I was careful not to tear the wrapper. Too naive. Last2 terkoyak jugak. LOL. And I was right!
I called her. "Eyh mmg betul la perfume! thanx!"
"Tak taw la sir suke bau camne, tp saya suke bau camtu, macho"
And she was right, I am King has that manly smell. Gosh. My 1st proper toilette. My 1st and previous toilette was Fantasia. In pales in comparison. And it gives me headaches. LOL. I didnt expect her to get me anything. I really didnt. And its something quite personal. Me being me..
Im screwed.