Gadis idaman aku has to be;
1. cantik
2. setia
3. fun
4. beriman
5. free hair + contact lens
Subject to change*
Monday, March 8, 2010
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
"sir dah lengai dengan musibah"
Alhamdulillah.. Tanpa aku sedari, aku dah semakin tabah menghadapi dugaan2 kecil yg melanda. Maybe aku diberi byk dugaan2 sblm ni sbb nk buatkan aku lebih tabah n matang menghadapi masalah. Sengatan obor2, denda MSU rm760, hilang jam tangan, tak dapat tajaan mara yet, ex aku couple laen, stress byk kerja kat msu, etc. And evn with all these things going on, aku slalu menghadapi dugaan2 kecil mcm hari ni.
- Aku bgn lmbt hari ni, 8.20am aku bgn. Labtest kul 9am. Tak sempat nk shave. Haha.
- Aku tgh siap2 pakai baju, cari tie, takde. Baru teringat aku tertinggal kat giant. Huhu.
- Aku keluar dari rumah, pegang2 poket, wallet tertinggal dlm jeans. Haha.
- Dlm lif, msg masuk. Dept Dean bg warning kat aku suruh siapkan semua keje. Haha.
Benda kecil2 je. Dulu, adela jgk affect diri aku ni. Tp lepas dah kena mcm2 musibah, aku rase makin tabah. Rasenyelah. So bile text masuk, "Sir tgh watpe?" Aku gtaw la ape jadi. Tp at the end of the my reply, "tp takpe, sir da lengai dgn musibah"
Yay me!
Monday, March 1, 2010
I Am King

I started to work at MSU on 7th of december 2009 and was assigned to teach immunology and serology. However, I never intented to stay here for long, it was just to fill the time cause I havent received my transcript yet. Eventhough its not my first time teaching, but university students and school students differ slightly. but I tried my best, and taught them the best I could without losing myself.
I did not change. I was still the same old adam. I cared, I joked, I asked, I was being me. Some of them didnt really accept me, but most of them did. Guess I have to be thankful, which I am. Anyway, its only normal for a teachers to have favourites in their class. Its not really fair, but humans are imperfect and bias is one of the flaws. So I too, have my favorite stdnt. Well, at least its not one of the seven sins. LOL.
Some lecturers favor students who are smart, some favor those who are good looking, some favor those who are hardworking. I however, favor this particular student cz we have chemistry. I cant reallt explain it, but I know its there. She's fun, funny n silly most of the time. My gadis kelantan yg bengong. =)
So I gave her a little bit more attention then the rest of the class. Hm.. Actually quite alot of attention. But never in class, dont worry. Only after office hours. She lives on the same floor as i do, so we would go for dinner sometimes. Nothing fancy. But it was fun. We would chat, flirt and kid around.
Our relationship was purely for fun. No attachments. We both know where we stand.
BUT. Me being me. I fall for people easy. Sigh.. doesnt mean that I want them and I would do whatever it takes to have them. I just.. sayang them more than i should. When her birthday came, I gave her a box of chocolates. I could have gotten her a notebook or a pen, but I got her that. That was when I knew, the symptoms are kicking in. But I know long distance relationships dont work out, and i dont want to ruin what we have now, so I kept our pace. Kalau ade jodoh tak ke mane.
Just when I thought I had things under control, she texted, "sir ade kat rumah? nak bagi mende". I was out having dinner with some frens at that time so I told her I'll text "sir kat luar ni, nanti sir da blk sir gtaw". After I reached home, I traded my baggy green T with a black T n walked over to her apartment (which was 30 steps from my own).
"Waalaikumussalam. Kejap2!"
She opened the door and handed out to me a jusco bag. "Nah, ambil ni"
(she mmg like that, quite straight foward. LOL)
"Eh ape ni?" I opened the bag and took out the the gift. "Wah terima kasih" it was wrapped and tied with a gigantic ribbon. "Ape ni?"
"Adela, something special". Laughing her cute laugh.
"Eyh?" I felt liquid inside the gift. "Perfume eyh.." (I din say toilette cz I dnt wnt tht to be an issue)
"Entah, nanti buka la sendiri"
"Haha, ok." we talked for a while and then I had to go.
I reached home and the first thing i did was snap some photos. Buat kenangan. And then I opened the gift. At 1st I was careful not to tear the wrapper. Too naive. Last2 terkoyak jugak. LOL. And I was right!
I called her. "Eyh mmg betul la perfume! thanx!"
"Tak taw la sir suke bau camne, tp saya suke bau camtu, macho"
And she was right, I am King has that manly smell. Gosh. My 1st proper toilette. My 1st and previous toilette was Fantasia. In pales in comparison. And it gives me headaches. LOL. I didnt expect her to get me anything. I really didnt. And its something quite personal. Me being me..
Im screwed.
I did not change. I was still the same old adam. I cared, I joked, I asked, I was being me. Some of them didnt really accept me, but most of them did. Guess I have to be thankful, which I am. Anyway, its only normal for a teachers to have favourites in their class. Its not really fair, but humans are imperfect and bias is one of the flaws. So I too, have my favorite stdnt. Well, at least its not one of the seven sins. LOL.
Some lecturers favor students who are smart, some favor those who are good looking, some favor those who are hardworking. I however, favor this particular student cz we have chemistry. I cant reallt explain it, but I know its there. She's fun, funny n silly most of the time. My gadis kelantan yg bengong. =)
So I gave her a little bit more attention then the rest of the class. Hm.. Actually quite alot of attention. But never in class, dont worry. Only after office hours. She lives on the same floor as i do, so we would go for dinner sometimes. Nothing fancy. But it was fun. We would chat, flirt and kid around.
Our relationship was purely for fun. No attachments. We both know where we stand.
BUT. Me being me. I fall for people easy. Sigh.. doesnt mean that I want them and I would do whatever it takes to have them. I just.. sayang them more than i should. When her birthday came, I gave her a box of chocolates. I could have gotten her a notebook or a pen, but I got her that. That was when I knew, the symptoms are kicking in. But I know long distance relationships dont work out, and i dont want to ruin what we have now, so I kept our pace. Kalau ade jodoh tak ke mane.
Just when I thought I had things under control, she texted, "sir ade kat rumah? nak bagi mende". I was out having dinner with some frens at that time so I told her I'll text "sir kat luar ni, nanti sir da blk sir gtaw". After I reached home, I traded my baggy green T with a black T n walked over to her apartment (which was 30 steps from my own).
"Waalaikumussalam. Kejap2!"
She opened the door and handed out to me a jusco bag. "Nah, ambil ni"
(she mmg like that, quite straight foward. LOL)
"Eh ape ni?" I opened the bag and took out the the gift. "Wah terima kasih" it was wrapped and tied with a gigantic ribbon. "Ape ni?"
"Adela, something special". Laughing her cute laugh.
"Eyh?" I felt liquid inside the gift. "Perfume eyh.." (I din say toilette cz I dnt wnt tht to be an issue)
"Entah, nanti buka la sendiri"
"Haha, ok." we talked for a while and then I had to go.
I reached home and the first thing i did was snap some photos. Buat kenangan. And then I opened the gift. At 1st I was careful not to tear the wrapper. Too naive. Last2 terkoyak jugak. LOL. And I was right!
I AM KING. Sean John
I called her. "Eyh mmg betul la perfume! thanx!"
"Tak taw la sir suke bau camne, tp saya suke bau camtu, macho"
And she was right, I am King has that manly smell. Gosh. My 1st proper toilette. My 1st and previous toilette was Fantasia. In pales in comparison. And it gives me headaches. LOL. I didnt expect her to get me anything. I really didnt. And its something quite personal. Me being me..
Im screwed.
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