Inspired by life? LOL. Not really. More like inspired by Hedaaya, cz blog die best sgt!
Akhirnya da habes block 1. Alot of important events happened, but none of them are as important as the friends that have happened. I'll alphabetically rather than in order of apperance..
1. Caroline aka Karolin
Origin: Kajang
Insertion: Roll no 517
Nerve Supply: Dixie nerve
Action (favourite quotes) : 1) confused child 2) yeah right
Important points: Aku syg gile kat caroline ni. Die best sgt! die fun, byk story & so many things in common with me. we always think the same thing, its like we have a psychic connection. & time ktorg blaja, ktorg buat silly ways to remember & die mmg tak penah kesah. Die sweet, caring, fun & sgt2 adorable! Im so comfortable around carol cz I can be myself & she accepts me for who I am. & we high 5 all the time. she doesnt know it, but i LOVE our HIGH 5s!
2. Ezmir Rizwan aka Sexxxaaayyy!
Origin: Subang
Insertion: Roll No 627
Nerve Supply: Thenar nerve
Action (favourite quotes) : 1) What the fuck? 2) I KNOWh!
Important points: Ezmir is quite a character. Die menonjol gile dlm class tapi slalu tido & kne ngn lecturer dlm class. Ai.. & slalu lmbt dtg class jgk. Geng aku. Haha. But dont be surprised, eventhough he seems to be kinda rude, but he's actually alot nicer than all the other guys. He's helpful, attentive, selfless, funny and fun. There's one thing that I envy him. He's fucking smart. He sleeps in class, but with the bits of studying he does later on, he scores like mad. Bestnye jadi mix.
3. Hannah Pee aka Peepee-Pikachuuuu!
Origin: Subang
Insertion: Roll no 516
Nerve Supply: Gary nerve
Action (Favourite Quotes) : 1) dinner? 2) hey yooooouuuuuu!!!
Important points: Aku syg sgt kat hannah ni! She's like my sun. whenever im alone or sad, usually without her knowing, her simple texts would cheer me up. Hannah is so special, cz eventhough she's like 1 of the guys, she would still glow with her feminine beauty. Hannah is independent, caring, fun & great to have around. Everyone wants abit of Hannah. There's 1 funny thing abt hannah that I cant get it out of my mind.. The Batman joke. Haha. "aint so tough are ya now ey batman!"
4) Naziera aka Ayong
Origin: Bentong
Insertion; Roll No 572
Nerve Supply: Median nerve & Ulnar nerve (hybrid innervation)
Action (favourite quotes): 1)~ 2)
Important points:
She's my wind, my sweetheart, my sayang. Can safely say she's one of a kind. & I sayang her more than she thinks. She's the only JPA scholar that I accept & approve (not to mention syg, LOL). She's my study buddy like carol, but our study approach is kinda different. She's alot smarter than me (evnthough im older, she's a JPA scholar, so definitely she's smarter), so she teaches me alot. She's my personal prosector. There's alot more to say about her, "but we will study about that in the next blog"
5) Ozri Jon Fritzerol aka Jon
Origin: Subang
Insertion: Roll No 507
Nerve Supply: Guitar nerve
Action (favourite quotes) : 1) Whats up bitch?? 2) Ahahahahaha (jon style)
Important points: Jon is the first ever friend I met here. Im lucky enough to have seated next to him on the plane. On the plane itself I found out that he's a nice guy. Die bagi fererro rocher die to me, (LOL, damn im a sucker for gifts). Jon is loyal to his friends, fun & great to have around, so he's very much likable & quite adorable too (geli aku taip ni, tp mmg btul pon). He gets into trouble but he's really doesnt deserve it, he's a really NICE GUY. I envy Jon cz he knows what to say at the right time, & that makes him damn witty & hillarious. To top evrything, Jon's winning virtue is that he is very generous and very modest.
6) Premjeet S Dhillon aka Naked man
Origin: Singapore
Insertion: Roll No 514
Nerve Supply: Anterior Interosseous Nerve (AI nerve)
Action (favourite quote): 1) fuck man i think i screwed up 2) hey dude, guess what
Important points: Prem is damn COOL. Die masuk NS Singapore dulu, so badan die mantap ar. & can say he's an all rounder; he's good in atheletics and in studies. Tapi kejayaan tidak dtg bergolek, he's very hardworking & he knows his priorities. Tp prem ni tenggelam timbul, but he's always part of the gang. He can just mix around anywhere, 'I can practically live anywhere cz I can just mix and make friends with anyone', quoted. Aku pnah nmpk die time orientation kat melaka dulu, aku ingt die ni sombong kot, sah2 takkan kwn ngn aku. tgk2 die la 1 of the 1st frens yg aku dpt kat sni.
Akhirnya da habes block 1. Alot of important events happened, but none of them are as important as the friends that have happened. I'll alphabetically rather than in order of apperance..
1. Caroline aka Karolin
Origin: Kajang
Insertion: Roll no 517
Nerve Supply: Dixie nerve
Action (favourite quotes) : 1) confused child 2) yeah right
Important points: Aku syg gile kat caroline ni. Die best sgt! die fun, byk story & so many things in common with me. we always think the same thing, its like we have a psychic connection. & time ktorg blaja, ktorg buat silly ways to remember & die mmg tak penah kesah. Die sweet, caring, fun & sgt2 adorable! Im so comfortable around carol cz I can be myself & she accepts me for who I am. & we high 5 all the time. she doesnt know it, but i LOVE our HIGH 5s!
2. Ezmir Rizwan aka Sexxxaaayyy!
Origin: Subang
Insertion: Roll No 627
Nerve Supply: Thenar nerve
Action (favourite quotes) : 1) What the fuck? 2) I KNOWh!
Important points: Ezmir is quite a character. Die menonjol gile dlm class tapi slalu tido & kne ngn lecturer dlm class. Ai.. & slalu lmbt dtg class jgk. Geng aku. Haha. But dont be surprised, eventhough he seems to be kinda rude, but he's actually alot nicer than all the other guys. He's helpful, attentive, selfless, funny and fun. There's one thing that I envy him. He's fucking smart. He sleeps in class, but with the bits of studying he does later on, he scores like mad. Bestnye jadi mix.
3. Hannah Pee aka Peepee-Pikachuuuu!
Origin: Subang
Insertion: Roll no 516
Nerve Supply: Gary nerve
Action (Favourite Quotes) : 1) dinner? 2) hey yooooouuuuuu!!!
Important points: Aku syg sgt kat hannah ni! She's like my sun. whenever im alone or sad, usually without her knowing, her simple texts would cheer me up. Hannah is so special, cz eventhough she's like 1 of the guys, she would still glow with her feminine beauty. Hannah is independent, caring, fun & great to have around. Everyone wants abit of Hannah. There's 1 funny thing abt hannah that I cant get it out of my mind.. The Batman joke. Haha. "aint so tough are ya now ey batman!"
4) Naziera aka Ayong
Origin: Bentong
Insertion; Roll No 572
Nerve Supply: Median nerve & Ulnar nerve (hybrid innervation)
Action (favourite quotes): 1)~ 2)
Important points:
She's my wind, my sweetheart, my sayang. Can safely say she's one of a kind. & I sayang her more than she thinks. She's the only JPA scholar that I accept & approve (not to mention syg, LOL). She's my study buddy like carol, but our study approach is kinda different. She's alot smarter than me (evnthough im older, she's a JPA scholar, so definitely she's smarter), so she teaches me alot. She's my personal prosector. There's alot more to say about her, "but we will study about that in the next blog"
5) Ozri Jon Fritzerol aka Jon
Origin: Subang
Insertion: Roll No 507
Nerve Supply: Guitar nerve
Action (favourite quotes) : 1) Whats up bitch?? 2) Ahahahahaha (jon style)
Important points: Jon is the first ever friend I met here. Im lucky enough to have seated next to him on the plane. On the plane itself I found out that he's a nice guy. Die bagi fererro rocher die to me, (LOL, damn im a sucker for gifts). Jon is loyal to his friends, fun & great to have around, so he's very much likable & quite adorable too (geli aku taip ni, tp mmg btul pon). He gets into trouble but he's really doesnt deserve it, he's a really NICE GUY. I envy Jon cz he knows what to say at the right time, & that makes him damn witty & hillarious. To top evrything, Jon's winning virtue is that he is very generous and very modest.
6) Premjeet S Dhillon aka Naked man
Origin: Singapore
Insertion: Roll No 514
Nerve Supply: Anterior Interosseous Nerve (AI nerve)
Action (favourite quote): 1) fuck man i think i screwed up 2) hey dude, guess what
Important points: Prem is damn COOL. Die masuk NS Singapore dulu, so badan die mantap ar. & can say he's an all rounder; he's good in atheletics and in studies. Tapi kejayaan tidak dtg bergolek, he's very hardworking & he knows his priorities. Tp prem ni tenggelam timbul, but he's always part of the gang. He can just mix around anywhere, 'I can practically live anywhere cz I can just mix and make friends with anyone', quoted. Aku pnah nmpk die time orientation kat melaka dulu, aku ingt die ni sombong kot, sah2 takkan kwn ngn aku. tgk2 die la 1 of the 1st frens yg aku dpt kat sni.