Actually I posted this story last year on facebook. It came out in a memory a year later. To no surprise it was one of my favourite posts, though it didnt get much likes lol.
Hari ni nyoms oncall so aku oncall kat rumah with the 2 boys. Hari ni cita-cita tinggi bwk dorg pg pasar petang kat bandar baru. Letak Nafis dlm stroller, & Haris pakai kasut. Honestly, its not as easy as it sounds. Anyway sambil trying my best utk help Haris makan aiskrim goyang dia tgh pegang tu, aku nk pg bli nasi ayam nk suap budak2 ni nanti. Rupanya kedai makcik yg aku pernah rawat n admit cucu dia masa aku kat ED [tp sumpah aku tak ingat makcik ni]
Makcik: Oh doktor nak beli apa
Me: Nasi ayam satu je kot kak
Makcik was surprised to see Nafis in the stroller: Oh doktor dah ada anak, baru ingat nak buat menantu
My internal monologue: oh terharu saya makcik for like a second, then it went to the mess which was Haris n his aiskrim goyang
Me: Haha anak saya 2 dah makcik.
While trying to grab Haris and damage control the aiskrim goyang aftermath, while watch over Nafis and his apam and readying some money to pay. Proceeded with some small talk and I managed to get my nasi ayam and wheel away with my 2 kids.
#nasiayam #pasarpetang #hyperbola #dadslife #overshare #exaggeratedcat #fatherof2 #exEDmo #nannepucase
Now im home just finish feeding the kids, n terlintas di hati, alamak aku dah ter heartbreak hati anak gadis makcik tu la kan kiranya? Oh yeah i still got it hahahaha omg sedar diri sikit pls perut dah mcm Baymax anak dah 2