1. Is smarter than you
If you don't care or if it turns you on, then it's not a problem. But if you're like any other guy, then you should work harder & be smarter than her. It's scientifically proven that men is smarter than women. Work harder, pay more attention & think critically. Don't let her know you're trying. Safest way around this never get a smarter gf than you.
2. Is wealthier than you
1st ever rule. Don't ever borrow money from her, & don't ever let her pay anything for you. Go dutch on everything. No matter how nice she may be, intentionally or unintentionally, she'll bring up the fact that you're taking money from her. Always remember to bring extra cash in your wallet to avoid borrowing money from her in any situation.
3. Is more religious than you
Once in a while, quote a fatwa or something. Act smart. Don't do anything that makes u fall under the sinful category. Be a good person, for you & for her.
4. Knows more about a particular matter than you
Unless it's a girl's topic like shoes or shopping, avoid the topic. It's no fun when she goes on & on about something & you don't understand what she's saying & don't have anything to say. Later you go back & read up on your own. Google it, ask your guy friends or do some book research. There's no harm in learning new stuff, you wont know when it'll come in handy.
5. Is trying to console you after being a bitch
Don't give in so easily. She wont, why should you. If you're not hurting then immediately stop, no use prolonging the fight, don't stoop to their level. But if you are hurting still, even if she cries buckets full of tears, take all the time you need. But don't ignore her, just give her the one word reply treatment. If she loves you, she'll be patient enough to wait it out, if she doesn't then you can reconsider your relationship.
6. Gf's family doesn't like you
She'll be all supportive and tell you that her family will like you eventually. This may be true. But even when that happens, you will still have the feeling that their still pretending to like you, no matter how long your relationship goes. Don't try to hard for her family, that's like pretending someone you're not, if they can't accept who you are, so be it.
7. Is not approved by your parents
If you love your family, break up. If you don't, then you can still be with her. But being with someone against your parent's blessings will never work, & somehow, you wont be happy. Always do your best to please your parents, never otherwise.
8. Want's you to sacrifice your future for her convenience
If this happened more than once then it is most recommended to break up. Even if you explain it to her, the fact that she initially puts her convenience over something as important as your future shows that she's not the one for you. Yes she may love you, but true love requires sacrifice, not just form your part.
9. Is friends with the bane of your existence
Tell her truthfully that you hate that person & the reason. If she still wants to be friends with the person, let her. It's her freedom to be friends with whoever she wants, as do you. But make it clear to her that you don't want anything to do with that person & don't want the 3 of you to meet under any circumstances. Remind her that you hate the person & whenever you hear shit about the person, make sure you tell her.
10. Is the jealous type
If you love her, then stop flirting around. That should be enough if she's an understanding person. But unfortunately this is never so. She'll demand you not to see new people, people she sees as threats & people that she thinks you might like. This however is unreasonable & reasonable at the same time, depending on the situation. So unless it is important, try your best to avoid these people. Don't go and start a conversation or anything like that. & if she's a terribly jealous type, only smile form a distance & don't let her see you do it.
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