Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Things to Bring When you Travel

The necessary stuffs to bring when travelling obviously people would know. But here are some things that might be useful.

1. Bonjela - A mouth ulcer on a vacation is a definite mood killer
2. Photo - A family photo is always nice to bring along a long journey
3. Talcum powder - Useful against heat rash etc
4. Stationery - Even with i phones n other gadgets, pencil n paper is still the best
5. Water bottle - Dont have to worry abt finding for shop in a foreign place

-will be updated after PBL (damn I hate DNA replication)-

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Hari Raya Aidiladha is about Sacrifice

Tahun ni aku sambut Raya Haji kat india. Eventhough lambat sikit, tapi rase jugak suasana raya thanks to senior2 yg anjurkan majlis. Not bad la given the circumstances kan. Ade mkn2, tgk video, nasyid & forum perdana.

Makanan2 tu senior yg masak sendiri, sedap gakla sbb lame tunggu baru bley mkn. Lauk kambing & ayam, & sayur jelatah, & buah tembikai. Ade agar2 bandung yg dlm die ade selasih. Agak special la (to me at least, cz tak pnah jmpe b4 this, lol). Tapi yg paling best ade cucur gelang. Huhu, teringat rumah, home. Mak ade gak buat, kalau balik kg pun pah akan buat gak kdg2. Rase agak sama, so agak rindu la. Huhu. Ade another ubi-ish kuih, tp tatau ape namenye. Not that nice, ubi yg tu kalau buat lbh byk cucur gelang orait gak. lol.

Video die standard quality. Lonely production punye. Narrator die not bad la, tp cinematography & editing ni very good. (ceh, aku mcm video critic plak, mende flash pun tatau pakai). Nwy, video ade 2, 1 pasal Nabi Ibrahim & Nabi Ismail. Alhamdulillah, dpt refresh balik kisah dorg. Tapi takde pun dorg mention kibas. Aku salah ingt ke? Ntah la. Hm.. Yg ke2 pasal hari2 persiapan majlis. Dari hari pemilihan kambing, raya eve, time memasak & lukis banner. Hm.. Nanti bile aku senior nanti aku ngn member2 plak yg kne buat. Kami akan buat yg terbaik Insyallah.

Nasyid best. Ade 2, 1 gune keyboard & guitar (setahu aku alat muzik yg memetik ni tak baik, tp ntahla. Hm..), yg ke2 acapella. TERRIFIC CHOICE OF SONG. 22 lagu 1st time aku dgr, tp best, ade modern vibe & sedap. 1st song aku tatau lagu ape, 2nd song Nazy tlng carikan tajuk, Hafiz Hamidun, cerita hati. Tp senior ckp Pada Hari Biru, tp lagu same, maybe dorg version laen kot. Not bad la suara dorg.

But the highlight of the event 4 me quite surprisingly was the forum perdana. Eventhough agak lame, so aku tak concentrate last2, but overall they pulled it off quite well. I liked the panel, Nohara & a guy. They were both quite good, & they didn't target anybody (me especially) specifically. Tokoh yg dipilih was HAMKA. An Indonesian noble accused of betraying his country & that he had to sacrifice his patience & dignity to stay alive & remain a muslimin yg soleh. It was a nice approach of the matter of sacrifice. Bak kata panel, mengambil contoh tokoh yg berada dekat dgn zaman kite spy kite boleh relate. I agree, & the story somewhat moved me at some level. Pengacara majlis pun byk menyelit2kan kata2 pasal pengorbanan.

Actually, the part after this je baru la the blog I wanted to post. Yg b4 b4 this ni sume patutnye pendahuluan je. Haha. Ntah kenapa trase nak blog abt the celebration skali, i usually dont do tht. Nwy, lepas dgr cerita HAMKA & pasal pengorbanan, aku pun tergerak hati nk berkorban. Kat majlis td dorg ade mention, pengorbanan ni susah, tapi ganjarannye lebih besar. Aku setuju. & ade sumthng yg terlintas di hati aku jgk time die bg contoh2 pengorbanan yg boleh dibuat oleh student medic. Actually pengorbanan2 yg kite buat kebyknnye mmg la ganjaran nye kite tak nmpk sbb dlm bentuk pahala, tp ade jgk pengorbanan yg kite boleh nmpk ganjarannye pada diri sendiri.

So aku nk buat list of sacrifices that I can carry out & their benefits;

1. Qorbankan masa facebook, internet etc -
bile qorbankan masa internet, kite kurangkan masa melihat bende yg takde niat nk tgk sbnrnye, tp trtgk jgk sbb lame online. Ex, youtube, lepas 11 video, mmg takkan habes, & kdg2 ntah pape je ade kat youtube tu. Dpt lagi byk mase utk belajar, unis da dekat sgt dah. Masa yg b4 this trlebih bazir kat internet tu, lebih baik bace Al-Quran or Surah Yasin, dpt pahala.

2. Berqorban dgn tak makan byk; berhenti sebelum kenyang -
Tak baik membazir, amalan syaitan (alhamdulillah, aku jrng membazir, tp ade jgk kdg2 tu, so kne berubah lagi). Tak sihat lansung mkn sampai sengkak & susah nak berjalan. Kalau mak ade mesti die marah, jgn zalim terhadap perut sendiri hny sbb nafsu, perut tu bukan tong sampah. Dpt jimat duit, dahla takde duit da skrg, nak minum coffee pun fikir 23 kali.

3. Qorbankan series & movies -
Dpt lagi byk mase utk belajar, unis da dekat. Series & movies ni takkan habes, dorg akan ade je yg baru, ayat mak aku yg paling best, haha, tp betul, so mmg neverending. Pandai2lah pilih ape yg nk tgk, tak semua berbaloi berjam2 tgk. So tgk satu dua jela, tu pun kalau da tak tertahan sgt dah.

4. Qorbankan masa di luar bilik -
Agak vague no 4 ni. What i mean is, kalau kejap je kat bilik, lg rendah probability utk solat sunat or bace Yasin etc cz balik & tido je. Kalau kat luar, kalau tak ke masjid, takde maknenye nak beribadah. So lebihkan masa di bilik & bile2 trase stress or minda penat, berhenti berehat dgn solat sunat or bacaan Yasin. Kan molek.

5. Qorbankan masa utk ke usrah kat masjid -
Yg ni agak susah nak buat. Time usrah kat lecture hall lepas class hari sabtu, mesti cam semangat nak pergi saturday circle. Tp bile dpt msg, 'usrah 4pm spread' tu, mesti je timing tak kena (act there's no such thing as timing yg kena, ce try fikir, kite mesti tgh buat sumthng kn?). Nwy, kena overcome obstacle ni & pergi masjid. Niat tu mmg ade, tp ats sbb2 mcm takde motor & asyik ade exam, tak dpt nk pergi. Insyallah, next year, bile ade scooter & subject 2nd year yg more interesting, aku akan kerap ke masjid. Insyallah.. Kalau pegi usrah, balik mesti rase puas hati. Lagipun nk refresh tajwid yg mak ajar dulu.

6. Qorbankan duit utk membeli buku2 agama -
Insyallah boleh aku qorban kan sikit duit aku utk beli buku agama yg sesuai dgn aku. Setakat ni tak jumpe lagi. Lagipun skrg ni aku kat india. Reading material die agak limited. Tapi aku bertekad nak beli Terjemahan Al-Quran, mmg dari dulu da berniat, tp taktaw nk beli yg mane, lepas dah ade nanti bolehla mempelajari kuasa utama umat Islam.

7. Qorbankan masa bersama org yg membawa keburukan dari kebaikan -
Mmg la rase org2 ni best, & bukanla kata dorg ni jahat, just tht kalau kite slalu dgn org2 cmni, kite akan terpengaruh dgn cara dorg (& aku ni senang tepengaruh). Ade social experiment ni, 9 bdk baik & 1 bdk jahat dibiar berkwn, last2, 10 bdk tu jahat. This isnt tht simple la, just trying to say tht bad habits lg senang nk pick up dr good habits. Bukan nak kate dorg2 ni jahat, just ade bad habits yg kite boleh dpt klu slalu sgt bersama.

8. Qorbankan masa belajar & tenaga utk bersukan -
A healthy body leads to a healthy mind. It's very true. Ramai dah student medic yg bersukan, sbb jasmani yg sihat akan bwk minda yg sihat, so lagi senang nk serap ilmu. Mmg la ssh nk korbankan masa belajar, lagi2 klu ade test. Alasan aku slame ni takut penat & esk ade class, tp sampai bile nk camni, hari2 pun ade class. So knela biasakn diri, nanti lepas da biasa, Insyallah, ilmu pun senang nk tangkap.

9. Qorbankan perasaan riak & takbur -
Korg tak riak & takbur? Think again. Have you ever been proud? overconfident? Tu da dekat2 dah dgn riak & takbur. Korbankanlah sikap ni. Kalau kite humble & tak overconfident, kite akan dihormati org & kita akan lebih prepared. Its kind of the opposite, overconfident tak semestinye prepared, in constrast, someone yg not overconfident can be more prepared.

10. Qorbankan masa berblog -
Oops. Bye. ;)

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Does love really hurts?

They say..
The hardest part of loving someone
is knowing when to let go,
and knowing when to say goodbye.
A failed relationship may have brought you a lot of pain
but at the end of the day,
you learn from them
and come out from them wiser
and with a clearer picture of
what you want or don’t want in your next relationship.
And the pain doesn’t last, everyone gets over it.
At the end of the day you won’t miss him
but you will miss who you thought he was.
Love someone worth of your love..
True love will never fade unless it was a lie.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Lagenda Budak Tua

I thought today was any other day. I go to class, I come back, I rest, I study & then I sleep. Turn out today was the day. Some part of me knew that today was bound to happen. It took longer than I expected so my optimism got the best of me. Actually, I'm sure stuff like this happens countless times before, just that I never found out. So it wasn't that bad. I thought I was prepared for it, guess I'm just full of myself.

Lagenda Budak Tua. Its kinda catchy actually. The Legend of the Old Kid. Its like an 80's kung-fu movie. Which is kinda funny cz I was born in the 80's. lol. That's right. I was born in the 80's. I WAS BORN IN THE 80'S! And it wasn't such a bad time, Mahathir was Prime Minister, they had McGuyver & the A-Team on tv & McDs was still our no. 1 choice of fast food. It was kinda cool.

So I'm alot older than the other kids here. I knew that even before I went for the interview. Back then I said, "I understand it's going to be an uphill because of my age, but I am prepared". Wow. lol. At that time, I was all fired up, daring to dream. My motto then, even though I never said it out loud, was,

"It doesn't matter how far, or how long you go, as long as you get there, & be happy along the way", or something like that.

But now that Im here. Things aren't quite as I expected. I thought I would be the best student here, have the lone ranger act thats all cool & study everyday and be single all the way and bag me a nurse during housemenship. Turn out to be the exact opposite. Im definitely NOT one of the best students here (ayat2 persediaan utk jatuh table), I end up being one of the Malaysian Students Association rep, have cool close friends who I care for a lot. And I hooked up with a sweet beautiful girl. Im not complaining, definitely, grateful even. but with things like that going on for me, people are tend to talk, especially when it's me, 'budak tua'.

Just now my girl called me & asked me to see something written on the table, so I walked with her & wanted to take a look. When I tried, she put her hand over to cover it. I didnt realize why at first, & what she did just made me more curious. So I asked her to remove her hand.. & there it was. In plaid pencil.


Oh. Then she took my eraser & started erasing. But.. too late. Damage done. To me at least. But Im glad she did though, I mean, a grafitti on the dissection desk? Somayaji would kill us all if he ever finds out. I was a little surprised, but quite calm abt it at the same time. It was like, "Im old & people are mocking me abt it", then a few seconds later, "Eh wait, I know this was going to happen, & Im sure its been happening all the time"

The thing is, theres 2 kinds of people. Some are so supportive and caring that they treat me even nicer than before, Category A. But for some, Category B it's TOTALLY hilarious. Theyre like, "Hahaha, he's so old I bet he already has 3 kids". Thats expected of the human race however, so I'm not here to judge. Just that you wont know which person comes under which category. Some you know from day one. Nice ones who you know care for you and knows how to respect others, theyre category A. & the ones who are insecure, busy bodies or cant stand people with secrets, these people are definitely category B. Most people fall under category B, which is normal. But thats easier for me actually, I know who are my friends and who are not.

Hey, life's isnt that simple. I had a good thing going actually. A not-so-bad degree, a job with an opportunity for masters, friends who love me, students who respect me & maybe even a relationship. Life was fun & exciting for the 1st time. But, I keep telling myself I wasn't happy then, & that THIS is what I wanted, when actually, I was. So I dropped everything and came here. Sometimes I wonder whether that was the right decision or otherwise.. After a few moments, I'll recollect myself & then I know, I did the right thing. Quoting a very wise student of mine, Priscilla Balakrishnan.

"Nak buat camne, mengejar cita2, tak salah kan? Dont care what other people say"

Words to live by, nicely said. I would have done the same thing all over again & I dont regret being here. So here I am. Mengejar cita2. People have dreams. Some are lucky enough to do it the shortest way possible, comfortably & safely. Some have to take the long way, struggle along & risk so many things. But doesnt that make you better in the end? Maybe not. But, I do know this. Life is unfair. So the only thing you can do is, do the best with what you have. & thats what Im doing now. Can I say the same for you?

& since I'm blogging, I might as well say what I think out loud. 'I know you're young & I don't have anything against that. I was young once too. Its the prime of your life. But youth or old age doesn't measure success. & with an attitude like that, not respecting elders and insulting others for the most trivial reasons, how are you going to learn from them? & most of the people in this profession are DEFINITELY older than you kid. Food for thought.