Friday, September 17, 2010

Table 8

Table 8 is a table consisting of the top 15 students with the highest anatomy marks for both 1st & 2nd blocks. Im in 3rd block now.

Mule2 tu aku mmg target nak table 8. Bkn sbb nk glamour, tapi sbb nk results power sbb nk dpt JPA. Jd prosector pown cam best. Lame tak ajar budak2, rindu plak. So aku pown blaja la rajin2. Hari2 blaja anat, tak pnah miss. Well ade la a few days, tp overall mmg teruk la study. Lepas blk malaysia ri tu pown risau2 gak takut tak dpt table 8.

Tp hari isnin aku dpt taw aku table 8. Alhamdulillah. Rezeki. Results ok, ade la peluang nk dpt JPA. Tp.. Aku tak fikir jauh. Table 8 bkn sempurna. Ade byk keperitannya. Aku bukan nak mempersoalkan ape2, tp dari ape yg aku alami seminggu ni, ini baik buruk table 8:

1. maksudnye results power & ada can nak mintak JPA
2. jadi prosector boleh ajar budak2 tu
3. tablemates sume pandai2 so dorg bley ajar
4. org yg tak respect kite b4 da respect sket kte skrg
5. mak, ayah & naziera rase bangga :)

1. table lecturer ajar laju sbb dorg 'take us for granted cz were the cream of the class'
2. aku stress kat table & aku tak berani tny soalan sbb nanti rase tak pandai
3. org slalu ejek2 table 8 eventhough ktorg struggle blaja baru la dpt kn
4. terpaksa belajar lagi teruk lagi sbb bila balik sbb aku tak sepandai tablemate lain
5. lecturer jarang sikit ulang pape cz expect kite 'to be alert & ready to take in ideas'
6. kerja prosector maknenye kne belajar block 1 pny sbb nk ajar budak2 tu
7. dekat dgn loceng, sakit gile telinga, jauh dari pintu blkg
8. xde kwn rapat kat table 8 & kwn2 laen tamau dtg meja
9. bila tablemate tny pape, byk yg tatau & rase malu gila
10. lecturer slalu bg info yg 'not required for you' sbb anggap kite ni pandai sgt
11. tablemate sume rajin gile mmg psycho & mmg takkan ade mase cadaver to kosong
12. tak boleh nak melawak sgt cam kat table dulu cz tablemate ramai yg motivated 4 study
13. kalau takde gloves tu rase mcm org asing cz sume org ade glove
14. time blaja tablemate cpt gile tangkap konsep sampai kite rase bodoh
15. org table laen tunggu je org table 8 jatuh, mmg tu lumrah manusia

So.. Nw i knw. Tapi, aku takkan anggap ni sbg halangan tp aku akan anggap sbg cabaran. Hm, rather than typing mende alah ni baik pg aku pg study anat, da la skrg evry weekday ade dissection. Fuh, ade semangat baru ni. Jiayou!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010



menyekutukan Allah dengan sesuatu pada zat, sifat dan af'alnya


tidak percaya kepada Allah serta mengingkari ajaran yang disampaikan oleh Nabi Muhammad S.A.W


berpaling atau keluar daripada agama islam


kepercayaan dan perbuatan karut yang dianggap mempunyai hubungan dengan agama islam sedangkan pada hakikatnya bertentangan dengan konsep tauhid dan syariat


Ilmu yang berkaitan perbuatan secara halus melalui pertolongan makhluk ghaib, iaitu dengan bantuan syaitan atau jin bertujuan memudharatkan atau mengelirukan manusia


Berpura-pura melahirkan keimanan sedangkan hati tetap kufur kepada Allah

Kalau kita tak buat sesuatu yang salah sebab takut kepada benda lain yang bukan Allah s.w.t. adakah itu membatalkan iman? Janganlah anda fikir sendiri.. Tanyalah ustaz. Aku pun akan tanya nanti.

Saturday, September 11, 2010


Tadi ade org ketuk pintu bilik aku. Aku buka je tgk2 tempe yg jage counter AS kat bwh tu. Die bg aku slip mintak byr utilities. 8355rupees. Rm835 la sng citer. Sigh.. Aku takde duit nak bayar, & aku malu nak mintak duit kat parents aku. Dorg baru je bg rm800 utk tiket flight & hp baru aku. Aku sedeh sgt. Not just sbb ni, ade byk lgi sbb..

1. Aku takde duit nak makan pown sbnrnye. Evrytime pown pinjam duit naziera. & brape byk lansung aku nak pinjam? Aku pown ade harga diri jgk, malu la nak pinjam slalu. Aku ade minta mak aku masukkan duit sikit, tp lepas raya baru mak aku masukkan, tu pown rm1000 utk 6 bln. Aku rase tak cukup, tapi tak sampai hati nak minta byk2.

2. Eventhough results aku ok, tp tak cukup baik lagi. Aku nak jadi the best. Tp ade bdk2 kat sni lagi pandai dari aku, serajin mana aku pown aku tak dpt nk beat dorg. Dorg mcm shin sejuiro. Cmne aku yg sakuraba hayato ni compete? & sebaik2 mana pown results aku, mara takkan kesah kan aku. So aku belajar gila2 ni utk diri sendiri & bkn utk mara mcm dulu.

3. Budak2 jpa & mara ni kaya gila. Dpt 500USD/mnth = Rm1500/mnth. Per month! Aku dpt rm1ooo utk 6 mnths! Bdk2 private kat sni pown tak kurang hebatnye. Sume kaya2 blaka, baru la mampu dtg sini kan? Sume pegang iphone, pg vacation overseas. Fhm2 jelah.

4. Aku tinggalkan hidup aku yg selesa utk bersusah payah kat sini. Aku tinggalkan negara, family, friends, kerja yg stabil, harapan utk masters, kad magic & so much more. Demi ape? Demi cita2.. & I have to trade all that with, study gila2 hari2, raya aidilfitri kat india, makanan india yg tak sedap, jumpe mayat hari2, bilik yg penuh kulat etc.

5. Yg ni yg buatkan aku paling sedih. DOUBT. Aku mula sangsi pd diri sendiri.. Did i make the right decision coming here? Did i make a mistake resigning from msu? I seriously dont know. I didnt expect things to be so expensive, so difficult & so hard.. I miss my working life. I's like a dream now. Sometimes I feel that my 3 years in msu & my working life was all a waste. Then I stumbled upon something..

"my life just like bubbles" student aku pny blog.
1 post die tu "bungakekwa3" ade mention sikit psal aku n colleague aku time keje dulu.

aku rindu giler ngn sir adam n mr J.
dyorg lect the best ever i had.
sir adam sgt2 byk tolong dlm study. byk bg semangat.
semangat dlm belajar. cinta. complete set lah. haha
snggup bg notes dy kat aku. terharu.
mr J sbb mase purse aku hilang time tu de lab test dy.
sumpah aku xley jawab. byg la aku ngah risau. kepala blank pk duit. ic. lesen. kad bank.
sume la. then, dy snggup nk pinjamkan fon tok kol mymum. mmg xla aku nk gtau. hehehe.
i refused. sume classmates terberhenti dgn pe yg jd kat aku. muke pucat kot.
sir adam n mr j kate muke aku cm avatar time tu. biru. hahaha
but he told sir adam pasal tuh. utk tlg aku g balai polis.
akhir sem. aku text both lect ajak makan big apple. haha.
sumpah sir adam giler2. mr j lak malu2. miss that time!!!!
but now sir adam kt india smbung study. mr j pon same. tp kt australia.
neweei, thnnxxx sir sbb ajar fafa subjek immune n hema.

Aku tak pandai sgt blogging so tatau cane nak edit bg lawa, so aku copy paste je terus. Apepun, these few words makes me happy. At least I brought a change in someone's life. Not much, but still, it's there. This reminds me that my previous life was not a waste. So what if my life sucks now. I had a great life before. I was somebody. Ive helped others. I am remembered.

Thanks fafa. U cheered me up.

My Life

Sometimes aku akan terfikir, is this the right thing for me? I mean, aku da ade degree, da ade kerja & da ade nmpk cahaya2 master at the end of the tunnel.. Tp aku tinggalkan sume tu.. for medicine. Mmgla medicine tu cita2 aku, but, is it really worth it? Since my secret's out, I might as well share it here. My life is full of choices & hardships..

Time ambil biomed kat msu dulu dorg janji 3thn biomed, then smbng 3 thn medicine bley jd doctor. Tp nasib aku malang. Dorg tukar policy, approve je medical science, biomed di anak tiri kan. Yg 3+3 hnylah medical science, biomed 3 + 4 1/2. Dah la tu, ims tu mahal gila, & aku tny mara, dorg tak bleh sponsor. & aku tak sanggup tgk bdk2 mara yg dpt duit byk gile bile aku nk byr tuition fees pon ssh. Aku ingt, takpelah, boleh je hidup sng dgn degree biomed, its not extravagant, but i think i can be content. Aku habes practical & degree biomed june 09. & sementara tunggu convo, aku lepak kat rumah jela.

One day aku dpt taw mak aku nk hantar adik aku ke manipal. Truth be told, kat dlm sudut hati aku dulu, aku mmg nak manipal, tp tak terdaya. Tp adik aku tu mcm nak tak nak je. Form ntah ke mane, mmg tak prepare pape. That time.. I saw my dreams dangled in front of me.. & aku decide nk try lagi. So bile mak aku offer, aku ckp kat mak aku nak pegi. Interview kacang je, so aku dpt masuk. But the main problem here is.. money.
"Mak, kite ade duit ke? Mahal sgt ni."
Mak aku kata "Mara kan ade, mane ade fmly melayu yg mampu hantar anak luar negara gne duet sendiri", with so much of confidence that i trusted her..

Aku interview august 09, september 09 tu intake batch 25. Sbb msu dengki kat stdnt sendiri tamau release transcript, aku terpaksa masuk intake march 2010 cz dorg kate tak sempat september intake. So I have 7 months on my hands. I didnt know at this time, that I can only get my transcript the june 2010. Then takkan aku nk duk rumah je 1/2 year, so aku apply keje a few places, medical lab, tutor etc. Susah sket org nk trime kerja cz transcript takde ni. Terbaiklah msu.

November 09 aku dpt jadi guru ganti kat rps. Its a temporary job, but it was a great experience. Aku dpt rase camne keje kerajaan, camne kerja mak ayah aku, interaksi dgn org dewasa, jadi employee kpd employer yg dasyat, knal student2 & mrase pg skolah dgn perempuan. Haha, aku skola laki, so jakun gak la bile masuk clas sume perempuan. But all in all, it was short & sweet. Tergerak jgk hati nk jadi gstt. Tp, nasib aku ttp malang, cz gstt da takde dah, cikgu2 sume hny dari upsi skrg since maktab da takde. Time cuti skolah, aku dpt call dari msu.

Aku ade apply tutor kat msu bln 9 or 10 camtu. Bln 11 msu ambil aku kerja. Die taw la aku stdnt die jgk kn, so transcript takde pown takpe. Cgpa 3.6, tak ambik rugi la. Aku kalau boleh tamau pandang dah msu, tp lg kite taknak, yg tula kite dapat. Sabar jelah. Eventhough byk keburukan yg aku malas nak type byk2 kat sni, tp at least otak aku tak karat sgt sbb aku kne study baru bleh ngajar. Aku masuk kerja 7/12/09. Aku dpt subject immuno & microb utk bdk2 diploma & lab session clinical patho utk bdk2 degree.

Time aku kerja kat msu, mmmc da mintak duet. RM33,ooo. & mak ayah aku pown buat loan kat bank islam. Dorg tak bincang pown dgn aku lagi skali. Dorg anggap cz aku da pg interview, so aku mmg sah2 nak buat medicine. Aku hny blk time ayah nak masukkan cek dlm pos,
& time tu ayah aku ckap, "There goes 33 thousand"
Aku rase bersalah gila, tp sbb aku ingatkan ade mara, so aku bersabar..

Aku pown kerja la kat msu tu. Aku tak jadi sir yg strict, aku fhm ape rasenye jd stdnt kat msu, the broken promises, the lies, the deceit. So aku boleh relate. & aku cube sedaya upaya utk tolong budak2 ni. Beza umur dgn aku pown ade yg 3 thn je, bdk2 diploma. Yg beza setahun pown ade, budak degree. Aku rapat dgn students cam fafa, nana, fifa & ramai lagi. Mule2 kerja tu bosan la jgk, tp lame2, cam best. Da kenal students, ade member2 tutor & lecturer laen, da taw cara2 nk ngajar, da taw system tmpt kerja etc. Aku rase dewasa. Rasa besar. I thought I would only be contented, but I was happy. Ingat lepas convo, pg la apply masters kat ukm, usm etc. Its not as glamorous as medicine, but maybe its fate.

Then it's finally time to make a decision. Intake mmmc march, aku masih kerja lg dgn msu February tu. Aku taw yg kalau aku back out, out of 33k yg parents aku da byr tu, 30k je akan dpt blk, 3k burn. Aku mmg tak sanggup nk bazirkan 3k, so my decision was somewhat swayed on one side. It was a very difficult decision. It was soo hard that I gave my resignation letter late & had to pay back msu rm760. Aku pnah buat post pasal ni dulu, so I wont repeat. Still, mase ni aku masih anggap boleh dpat mara. On march 9th aku resign. Aku tinggalkan hidup aku sbg tutor kat msu. This too, was short & sweet.

Friday, September 10, 2010

So what?

So what?

So what if you're not hot?
You're beautiful. You're cute. & you're sweet. Hot-ness wont be there forever, once you age, only these things will remain. & these are the things that makes me fall for you in the first place.

So what if you tak pandai masak?
Masak boleh je nak belajar. Tak penah pegi medical school, cne nk jadi doctor. Same here. You tak belajar lagi, so jangan la kate u tak pandai. Actually I think you really can cook. & let's say by chance you don't want to cook, I seriously don't mind. We can always eat out. Doctors have a lot on their plates other than food.

So what if you call me at night to talk to me?
I'm your other half. You waking up, is like me waking up too. Whatever it is that is bothering you, bothers me too. & it's your responsibility to let me know at that particular second. Because I love you. So please. Please. Don't hesitate to call me (gosh i sound like Raju kidney, LOL). I'm here for you, before, now, and forever.

If you laptop is out of service,
we service it. It may take some money, but shit happens. You never waste your money on things that you don't need like branded clothing, shoes, bags, or excessive make up, or whatever it is that girls buy. I'll miss not having you online for a few days, guess I have to bear it. That's the least I can do since I can't fix it for you.

If you have to wake up in the morning,
wake me up too. I want your voice in the morning to be the first thing I hear when I wake up in the morning. It's soothing, relaxing & makes me want to wake up. Because I know, only when I'm awake, I get to be with you. & that is a dream come true.

So what? I love you sayang, & that's all that matters.

Thursday, September 9, 2010


I'll try to make this as short as possible.
We dont need EVERYBODY to do something fewer ppl can do,
just because the more popular opinion is tht everybody must participate.
Thats just a waste of time.
Another view is tht participation is required for bonding.
This may be true, but bonding may be achieved by so many other ways,
& bonding is only necessary when bonding is desired, which isnt always the case.

There's a class party on sunday.
So they need to clean up the classroom on saturday.
There's 40 students, & only 10 is needed to clean.
Doesnt mean ALL 40 stdnts must come on saturday just for the sake of it.
I mean its a SATURDAY.
If everybody has to participate,
then each stdnt have to come all the way to school,
on a saturday,
& only clean only a small part of the class,
& go back.
Thats just stupid to me.

If participation is REALLY required, then find some other way
to divide the task so that everybody can participate without wasting time.
If thats not possible, then too bad.
Just bond at the party itself.
If that really is the reason for the party, then it shouldnt be a problem.

It all comes down to PRODUCTIVITY vs BONDING.
Everybody participates in doing something that only a few is required to, to bond.
Only the required amount of ppl do it, but not all have participated, so they dont bond.

But. If the person doesnt want to bond in the 1st place, then how?