Friday, September 10, 2010

So what?

So what?

So what if you're not hot?
You're beautiful. You're cute. & you're sweet. Hot-ness wont be there forever, once you age, only these things will remain. & these are the things that makes me fall for you in the first place.

So what if you tak pandai masak?
Masak boleh je nak belajar. Tak penah pegi medical school, cne nk jadi doctor. Same here. You tak belajar lagi, so jangan la kate u tak pandai. Actually I think you really can cook. & let's say by chance you don't want to cook, I seriously don't mind. We can always eat out. Doctors have a lot on their plates other than food.

So what if you call me at night to talk to me?
I'm your other half. You waking up, is like me waking up too. Whatever it is that is bothering you, bothers me too. & it's your responsibility to let me know at that particular second. Because I love you. So please. Please. Don't hesitate to call me (gosh i sound like Raju kidney, LOL). I'm here for you, before, now, and forever.

If you laptop is out of service,
we service it. It may take some money, but shit happens. You never waste your money on things that you don't need like branded clothing, shoes, bags, or excessive make up, or whatever it is that girls buy. I'll miss not having you online for a few days, guess I have to bear it. That's the least I can do since I can't fix it for you.

If you have to wake up in the morning,
wake me up too. I want your voice in the morning to be the first thing I hear when I wake up in the morning. It's soothing, relaxing & makes me want to wake up. Because I know, only when I'm awake, I get to be with you. & that is a dream come true.

So what? I love you sayang, & that's all that matters.

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